Interactive video for Aràlia Flors

Home / Interactive video for Aràlia Flors

Interactive video for Aràlia Flors

Interactive video for Aràlia Flors

The idea of this interactive video is to make a video where users will be able to interact while following a love story between two main characters, the girl who works at the flowers shop and the boy who meats her because of a purchase at the same florist.
Once the video begins, users can interact and decide from what point of view they want to look at the story (subjectively, being the user as the girl or the boy), through the “canvi” button.

This project is the result of the Project 5 of 3rd of the Degree of Multimedia of the Centre de la Imatge i la Tecnologia and is realized by the students Judit Altimir, Judith Faure, Alba Lopez and Marc Piquer.

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Here you can do it!